DC-AC Module (Inverter)
C009603924 FR10-48S75 is designed and produced by Ruidakang(瑞达康), and is available for sale in the Functional Module-Function Module/development Board/solution Verification Board-DC-AC Module (Inverter) of Yuanjingcheng Supply Chain Co., Ltd. https://www.szyjc.com, and can be purchased and ordered through the original manufacturer/agent and other formal channels. C009603924 FR10-48S75 reference price ¥145.2,real-time inventory 7. 输出功率: 10W, 输入电压(Vdc): 48V, 输出电压(Vac): 75V. You can download the Chinese information, pin diagram, datasheet data manual function manual of FR10-48S75, and check the real-time inventory, price, and delivery date. In special cases, you can make inquiries for quotations, one-click purchases of bom, and selection substitutions. The platform provides data API docking, real-time inventory VMI services, and online EDI transactions.