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Mfr.: | ON(安森美) |
Mfr. Part #: | |
YJC. No: | |
Package: | PQFN-37-EP(5x6) |
ECCN: | - |
Description: | NCP3284MNTXG |
Datasheet: | |
2-5 Business Day
C011791419 NCP3284MNTXG is designed and produced by ON(安森美), and is available for sale in the Power/circuit Protection-Power Chip-DC-DC Chip of Yuanjingcheng Supply Chain Co., Ltd., and can be purchased and ordered through the original manufacturer/agent and other formal channels. C011791419 NCP3284MNTXG reference price ¥18.69,real-time inventory 201. PQFN-37-EP(5x6) 功能类型: 降压型, 输出类型: 可调, 输入电压: 4.5V~18V, 输出电压: 800mV~15.3V, 输出电流: 30A, 开关频率: 1MHz;500kHz;600kHz;800kHz, 工作温度: -40℃~+100℃@(TA), 同步整流: 是, 输出通道数: 1, 拓扑结构: 降压式, 开关管(内置/外置): 内置. You can download the Chinese information, pin diagram, datasheet data manual function manual of NCP3284MNTXG, and check the real-time inventory, price, and delivery date. In special cases, you can make inquiries for quotations, one-click purchases of bom, and selection substitutions. The platform provides data API docking, real-time inventory VMI services, and online EDI transactions.