Comchip Technology Corporation is a leader in the design and manufacture of SMD discrete semiconductors. From small signal switches, low dropout Schottky barrier diodes, Zener diodes, rectifiers to custom high voltage or low forward voltage rectifiers, Comchip has the right diode for our customers. Comchip Technology is the first manufacturer to offer a standardized DFN/flat chip package that is RoHS compliant and eliminates the possibility of tin whisker formation by incorporating gold-plated terminals. DFN packages are now available in SOD-323F (1005), SOD-523F (0603), SOD-723F (0503) and SOD-923F (0402) specifications. Comchip's diode products are ideal for personal computers, digital cameras, PDAs, pagers, wireless, networking and portable devices, as well as high-reliability applications where tin whisker elimination is required.
Products: 692